Make sure you have either a cast iron skillet to use or a pan that can go from stove to 375 degree oven.
Pre-heat oven on to 375
Start by heating your pan over stove, melt your butter/ coconut oil and sauté your chopped veggies (don’t add your tomatoes yet!), squeeze out your spinach!
While veggies are cooking beat eggs in a separate bowl, add spices, salt & pepper.
If you are adding cooked beef add it to the veggies.
Pour egg mixture over sautéed veggies, take a spatula and scrap under the veggies/ beef to make sure eggs mix in. After 1 minute turn heat off.
Lay the tomato slices on top
Bake in oven for 15-20 minutes, or until eggs are set and not runny…add your parmesan cheese right away so it can melt
Add slices of avocado or sprinkling of parmesan to each piece